Life-transformation happens best in gospel-centered community

OCTOBER 08, 2023

Gather Together

How have you seen God’s presence in your life this week?

Read Together

(You can click on this passage to open it in the Bible app)

Pray Together

Ways to Pray This Week
• Use the Word to Prompt Prayer
• Listening Prayer
• Pray for The Harvest

Review Together


Discuss Together

1. What is something that stuck with you from
the Scripture passage or Sunday’s message?

2. What part of the message was most challenging to you?

3. How do you sense God speaking to you as a
result of the message?

4. In what ways do you think the disciples' task
of proclaiming the message of the kingdom
parallels our task today as Christians in a modern society?

5. What are some practical ways we can demonstrate the love and power of Christ as we live on mission in our communities and churches?

6. Each person is empowered with different gifts
from God to live on mission. How could you
use some of the gifts and talents that God has
given you to live on mission in your neighbor-

7. Barry presented the goal of “each one, reach
one”. Who is the one you are hoping to reach?
How do you plan on reaching your “one”?

8. What lies are you believing about God, your-
self or others that needs to be replaced with
gospel truth?