Verse 1
Every day in Your hands
You were there before time began
Sovereign one I rest in Your plan
From the depths to the dawn
You are there Your promise is strong
I will trust with all that I am

Jesus Jesus oh how I need You
You stay the same
You are good in Your ways
Jesus Jesus oh how I need You
You are enough
All my trust is in You Lord

Verse 2
You fashioned me formed my heart
Search my soul and know every thought
Love so great but never too far
And through the storm You're the calm
And every war You've already won
Life secure in Your loving arms

You are powerful God above it all
I believe in You I believe in You
You do miracles the impossible
I believe in You I believe in You


Verse 1
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
Holy holy is He
Sing a new song to Him Who sits on
Heaven's mercy seat

Holy holy holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
With all creation I sing
Praise to the King of kings
You are my ev'rything
And I will adore You

Verse 2
Clothed in rainbows of living color
Flashes of lightning rolls of thunder
Blessing and honor strength and glory
And power be to You the only wise King

Verse 3
Filled with wonder awestruck wonder
At the mention of Your name
Jesus Your name is power breath and living water
Such a marv'lous mystery yeah


Verse 1
There’s peace that outlasts darkness
Hope that’s in the blood
There’s future grace that's mine today
That Jesus Christ has won

Verse 2
So I can face tomorrow
For tomorrow’s in Your hands
All I need You will provide
Just like You always have

I’m fighting a battle
You’ve already won
No matter what comes my way
I will overcome
Don’t know what You're doing
But I know what You’ve done
I’m fighting a battle
You’ve already won

Verse 3
There’s mercy in the waiting
Manna for today
And when it’s gone I know You’re not
You are my hope and stay

Verse 4
When the sea is raging
Your Spirit is my help
He’ll fix my eyes on Jesus Christ
I’ll say that it is well
Oh I know that it is well

I know how the story ends
We will be with You again
You’re my Savior my defense
No more fear in life or death


Verse 1
To the One who wore
A crown of thorns
To the One who took
The lash and scourge
For the hands and feet
That were pierced by nails
For the sacrifice
That has torn the veil

Chorus 1
(Yes) (And) We crown You
(And) We fall face down (and) we worship
We all cry out You are worthy God
You are worthy God

Verse 2
To the One who gave
His very life away
Who took upon Himself
All our guilt and shame
Hanging on a cross
For the world He loved
And with His precious blood
Purchased men for God


To the One who endured
All the shame of the cross
To the Lamb who was slain
As atonement for us
To the Son who overcame
All the power of death we praise
For the stripes for the wounds
For the beating You bore
For the tears for the blood
That was willingly poured
For the merciful wonderful majesty of Your love


Verse 1
He who was before there was light
Walked across the pages of time
He who made every living thing
Behold Him
He who heard humanity's cry
Left His throne to wake as a child
He became like the least of us
Behold Him

Chorus 1
Jesus Son of God Messiah
The Lamb the roaring Lion
Oh be still and behold Him

Verse 2
He who dined with sinners and saints
Healed the blind the lost and the lame
Even now He is in our midst
Behold Him
He who chose a criminal's end
Paid with blood to settle our debt
Buried death as He rose to life
Behold Him

Chorus 2
Jesus Son of God Messiah
The Lamb the roaring Lion
Oh be still and behold Him
Jesus Alpha and Omega
Our God the risen Savior
Oh be still and behold Him

Holy holy holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Worthy worthy worthy
To receive all praise


Verse 1 
Come you weary heart now to Jesus
Come you anxious soul now and see
There is perfect love and comfort in your tears
Rest here in His wondrous peace

Oh the goodness the goodness of Jesus
Satisfied he is all that I need
May it be come what may that I rest all my days
In the goodness of Jesus

Verse 2
Come find what this world cannot offer
Come and find your joy here complete
Taste the living water never thirst again
Rest here in His wondrous peace

Verse 3
Come and find your hope now in Jesus
He is all he said he would be
Grace is overflowing from the Saviour’s heart
Rest here in His wondrous peace


Verse 1
Old things have passed away
Your love has stayed the same
Your constant grace remains the cornerstone
Things that we thought were dead
Are breathing in life again
You cause your Son to shine on darkest nights

For all that You've done we will pour out our love
This will be our anthem song

(Jesus) we love You
Oh how we love You
You are the one our hearts adore

Verse 2
The hopeless have found their hope
The orphans now have a home
All that was lost has found its place in You
You lift our weary head
You make us strong instead
You took these rags and made us beautiful

Our affection our devotion
Poured out on the feet of Jesus


Verse 1 
You unravel me with a melody
You surround me with a song
Of deliverance from my enemies
Till all my fears are gone

I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God

Verse 2
From my Mother's womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I've been born again into Your family
Your blood flows through my veins

You split the sea so I could walk right through it
My fears were drowned in perfect love
You rescued me so I could stand and sing
I am a child of God


Verse 1
I don’t want to walk through the motions
If I miss the great invitation
To know You God
I don’t want to check all the boxes
Living unaware of Your presence
I want to know You God
I want to know You God

Chorus 1
I want to know You
More than just know about you
I want to know You as You are
I want to see You
Open the doorway of my heart
I want to know You as You are

Verse 2
I don’t want a halfway devotion
Or another passing emotion
I want to know You God
You’re not a God of my own invention
You’re bigger than I’d ever imagine
I want to know You God
I want to know You God

Bridge 1
My comfort counselor
My everlasting Father
My helper my healer
My constant friend and Savior
My armor protector
My champion forever
My author finisher
You hold my faith together


Verse 1
You never said it would be easy
You never said there'd be no pain
But You promised You'd go with me
And Your promises You always keep

Verse 2
Lord I confess how much I need You
I confess that I am weak
I can't promise I won't fail You
But Your promises will not fail me


When I'm in the valley
I will fear no evil
When enemies surround me
You prepare a table
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me

Verse 3
There is beauty in the struggle
You don't waste a single day
Your presence is my shelter
Your presence is my victory

I can't see it all
But I have seen enough to know
Oh You are faithful


Verse 1
You go before I know
That You've even gone to win my war
You come back with the head of my enemy
You come back and You call it my victory

Verse 2
You go before I know
That You've even gone to win my war
Your love becomes my greatest defense
It leads me from the dry wilderness

All I did was praise
All I did was worship
All I did was bow down
All I did was stay still

Hallelujah You have saved me
So much better Your (this) way
Hallelujah great Defender
So much better Your (this) way

Verse 3
You know before I do
Where my heart can seek to find Your truth
Your mercy is the shade I'm living in
You restore my faith and hope again

When I thought I lost me
You knew where I left me
You reintroduced me to Your love
You picked up all my pieces
Put me back together
You are the defender of my heart

All I did was praise
All I need to do is worship
Lord I will just bow down
I'm just gonna stay still